These consequences of clogged drains might surprise you!
Stormy weather might not happen that frequently in Maryland aside from in summer, but when a torrential downpour does happen, you will want your local storm drains to be ready. Municipal and commercial storm drains are crucial for the proper drainage of stormwater, melted snow, and other kinds of wastewater. What would happen if governments and businesses don’t schedule routine storm drain cleaning? These consequences of clogged storm drains might take you by surprise!
A Little About Storm Drains
Storm drains let water fall from the pavement through an inlet or grate into a catch basin. The catch basin traps solids that settle at the bottom, allowing clarified stormwater to drain into the main stormwater sewer line toward the closest natural body of water.
The Unexpected Hazards of Clogged Storm Drains
If this system gets clogged, the first natural result would be a flood. This consequence might not be so unexpected to you. However, a flood can cause anything from pooling water over a highway to a fatal flash flood that carries away people, vehicles, and homes. You might not expect a clogged storm drain to produce a powerful flash flood, but it can happen.
Downstream Flooding
Did you know that just because a clog is upstream, it doesn’t mean the flooding will happen there? It could force water to drain out downstream, leading to a surcharge of water in the system, thus causing a flood.
Soil Erosion
Soil erosion is one of the effects of flooding wherever landscaping is present. Why is this bad? Soil erosion slowly or quickly destroys the land’s water retention and nutrient levels. The soil that washes away with the floodwater can disrupt natural ecosystems, contaminate drinking water, and further clog storm drains.
Undrivable Roads
You might have expected undrivable roads to be a consequence of clogged storm drains. It’s best to avoid them at all costs. Never drive through flowing floodwaters; they can easily drag a vehicle or person with them. A clogged storm drain is impactful enough to divert people’s traffic plans!
Avoid Clogged Storm Drains with Jet Blast Inc.!
These catastrophes don’t have to be present in your town with the help of professional storm drain cleaning. Read on for more details!
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