Keep your local sewer and storm drain systems clean with our vacuum cleaning services!
Every system needs maintenance at some point. This is certainly true for municipal systems like sewers and storm drains, two very important inventions that keep a community safe and hygienic. These systems are closed and confined spaces that can become clogged with debris over time, potentially causing major damage above ground and below ground. The solution? Vacuum cleaning services. If you need vacuum cleaning services in Maryland, Jet Blast Inc. can help!
Vacuum Sewer Cleaning Services
Whether your local sewer system is gravity or vacuum-based, it can suffer from blockages from time to time. Even so, it does need maintenance and cleaning from time to time to preserve its full functionality. Jet Blast Inc.’s vacuum trucks can remove debris and water from the system safely, and their hydro excavation technology can blast through blockages with precision without damaging the sewer system walls.
Vacuum Storm Drain Cleaning Services
Storm drainage systems may or may not be connected with the community’s sewer system. Nevertheless, storm drains contain multiple parts that lead to a main line, which carries rainwater, melted snow, and excess runoff down to the treatment plant or reservoir.
Jet Blast Inc.’s vacuum trucks can save the town from flooding and damaged pipes with regular cleaning. The industry standard is every five years, but it is recommended to clean at least 20% of the system annually. Leaves, sticks, dirt, chemicals, and litter are all causes of clogged storm drains, but Jet Blast’s vacuum cleaning services can come to the rescue.
Jet Blast’s Vacuum Cleaning Services
Jet Blast Inc. has decades of experience in the industry of vacuum sewer cleaning and vacuum storm drain cleaning services. Their patented technology on cleaning tools and processes give them powerful and expert resources to clean pipes and confined spaces safely and thoroughly. Whether your storm or sewer systems need routine or emergency cleaning, contact Jet Blast Inc. for their vacuum cleaning services in Maryland!
Contact Jet Blast Inc. Today!
Jet Blast® Industrial Services strives every day in an effort to provide our customers with the best service and equipment possible. Providing a safe and stable workplace has allowed us to keep a team of quality people with most having a tenure of 15 – 25 years with Jet Blast®. With all that experience under one roof, we have been able to provide reliable 24-hour service for over 42 years. I believe this helps to set us apart from the competition.
Compare us! Let us make your job easier. If you’re located in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Northern Virginia, or Washington, D.C., contact us by email at [email protected], call us at 410-636-0730, or fax us at 410-789-3907, and don’t forget to keep in touch with us on Facebook!